13 Facts You Didn’t Know Before About Software Developers

Sergey Ovcharenko Chief Business Development Officer at Alcor

There is hardly a better career choice than becoming a programmer. Software development facts and figures prove that this career path is in high demand; however, understanding the sphere of programming is no mean feat. Before you discover the best practices of finding tech talent, as an employer, you should put yourself in the developer’s shoes. 


13 developer facts


At Alcor, we provide IT recruitment services in Eastern Europe and deal with software engineers on a daily basis, so we know quite a few facts about software development. The good news is we’re happy to share our experience to help you work in sync with programmers and achieve your company goals. 


Why is Software Engineering So Popular?


Software development has grown fast and furiously. In 2030, its revenue will exceed $1 billion. With business processes becoming increasingly automated and the demand for data being higher than ever, companies are in need of IT specialists to grow in their market. So, one of the main facts about programmers is that there is never enough talent. Keep reading to discover more! 


9 Facts About Software Development Specialists


1. This is a high-paying job

The national average salary for a Software Engineer in the US is $116,638, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that Glassdoor considers it one of the best jobs in 2022. More than that, a developer’s salary can skyrocket up to $160,000 if they get a grasp on trendy programming languages, such as Golang


However, employers might see this as a challenge, especially considering salary rates and seeking talent. For that reason, I suggest considering offshoring as a recruitment solution. With experience in recruitment in Poland and other Eastern European countries, I’d highlight not only lower salary rates there, but also rare tech talent as long-term benefits for your company. 


2. The average age of programmers is lower compared to other industries

The Software Engineering Statistics 2023 by Kinsta shared surprising facts about being a software developer, one of them is that tech specialists, on average, are quite young. Roughly 60% of programmers are younger than 35, while the median age is 43. In conclusion, since it’s never too early to start coding, as an employer, you’ll be able to hire young specialists brimming with ideas for your projects.  


3. University education is not obligatory

Kinsta also highlighted that 60% of developers learned how to code online, so having a software engineering degree is not a prerequisite for landing a job. In addition, computer science trends emerge too fast for even top universities to update their curriculums, so tech companies tend to hire professionals with practical skills. Therefore, being self-taught is an asset whether or not you’re pursuing a relevant degree. 


4. The most popular programming language is JavaScript

Getting to more tech-related facts about software engineering, I’d like to list the most used programming languages in 2022 according to Statista. JavaScript comes first with more than 65% of users and is followed by HTML/CSS with 55%, respectively. SQL and Python are used by roughly 50%, and C++ ranks 9th with more than 20% of active users. In case you need skilled JavaScript developers, opting for software development in the Czech Republic is a good way to go.


5. The hardest programming language is C++

C++ is a widely popular programming language used for developing operating systems, managing databases, creating games, applications, web browsers, and much more. However, it is also one of the hardest languages to learn in comparison with Python and Java. C++ has advanced syntax and its code is less readable because it doesn’t resemble English as much as Python, for instance. But however hard it is to come to grips with the intricacies of this language, it is absolutely worth it.  


Discover the Build Operate Transfer in outsourcing as a way to build a development team abroad!


6. Programmers change jobs on a regular basis

With numerous projects to explore out there, software developers are known to change jobs every 2-3 years. From the point of view of programmers, facts are in favor of not staying in one position for more than a few years, because usually that implies no significant salary raises or using the same skills they already have, whereas trying a variety of projects and company types can help both their tech experience and salary reach new levels. For employers, this tendency means that the initiative of implementing more challenging tasks and KPI reviews for salary raises are the best options. 


7. Software developers often become digital nomads

One of the most enjoyable and interesting facts about development is the freedom it offers. More than 60% of developers are already fully remote and, according to the State of Remote Engineering Report by Terminal, working remotely is an upward trend with 75% of developers preferring this option. That’s why software engineers qualify for becoming digital nomads. Moreover, such countries as Portugal, Thailand, Bali, Mexico, Croatia and Estonia have already become digital nomad hubs. As a result, employees should consider fully remote tech teams to give professionals the freedom they crave. 


8. Programmers can quickly go up the career ladder

A developer’s career is generally straightforward. While there are different classifications, on average, computer engineers work for 2-3 years as juniors, then qualify for a middle software engineer, and after 5-6 years of experience are ready to hold a senior position. In the US, work experience requirements are higher, but I’d sincerely recommend hiring middle developers. Oftentimes, they already have enough experience to qualify for seniors, so later on it may be a gamechanger for your company. 



9. AI won’t replace software developers

One of the alarming facts about software engineers is connected with the hype around AI replacing programmers. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Thomas Dohmke, GitHub CEO, believes that not only will AI not take over developers’ jobs, but will actually help them learn in augmented environments, such as Copilot, and assist in coding faster with fewer bugs. Thus, software engineers can shake off the burden of menial work and focus on more complex problems instead. 


4 Untold Truths About Being A Software Engineer


1. Working overtime is likely

Now, discouraging facts about being a software engineer include working overtime. According to Statista, only 10% of developers admitted they had never worked long hours. Highly stressful deadlines are common for products in the development stage, which involves testing and debugging before the launch. Aside from being mentally exhausting, such situations can lead to burnout. 


One of our clients, Sift, a US online fraud detection product company, aimed to hire more than 30 developers in Eastern Europe. A Full Stack Developer with unique tech skills, however, required more attention. Alcor recruiters soon realized that the company’s tasks were way too many for one engineer to cover, whereas two specialists — a Front End Developer and a Back End Engineer — could perform well without working overtime. And while in the US such a change would mean significant expenses, in the EE market, even two IT experts would still result in lower spending. The company agreed to our offer and it turned out to be an effective solution. Thus, employers should put a healthy work environment and effective management above all else. 


2. Software developers complain about countless interviews

The State of Remote Engineering 2023 report sheds light on programmers’ complaints about job interviews. 47% mention too many rounds, 44% struggle with delays, and 22% dislike genetic formats. For companies, it is essential to be aware of these facts and streamline their hiring process in order not to lose their candidates halfway. 


3. Sedentary lifestyle takes a toll on programmers’ health

While interviews and long hours can somehow be managed, the most shocking facts about software developers are related to their health. Bad back and wrists, eye strain, brain fog and feeling exhausted from focusing on one aspect for too long are the most frequent issues. The main tip here is to ensure that working equipment matches the individual needs of your employees, thus diversify the tasks as much as possible. 


4. There’s no end to learning

There’s no limit to arising challenges for those who have chosen computer programming! Even though hard skills are common in this way, software engineering facts prove that this requirement is innumerable. For instance, a Full Stack Developer needs to know at least 4-6 main programming languages and frameworks, not to mention the emerging trends and AI improvements. If you are seeking Shopify developers for hire, anticipate from them deep knowledge of back-end and front-end technologies as well as expertise in e-commerce platforms. In a nutshell, while software developers never get bored, they should also brace themselves for lifelong learning. 


Consider Alcor BPO Your Trusted Partner


Having read this article, you are now better acquainted with various facts about engineering, which will definitely pay off when recruiting a new candidate for your team. Still, if you’re facing a high number of vacancies or want to create a team from scratch, it can be an uphill battle. 


At Alcor, we do our best not to let tech talent slip through your fingers. One of our challenging cases was IT recruitment for Dotmatics, a US scientific software company. Their goal was to build a software team in Eastern Europe. Knowing that Alcor provides IT recruitment services in Romania and Poland, they reached out to us. Our team provided the client with full-cycle IT recruitment, tapped into our extensive network of 600,000+ specialists, conducted the interviews and found 30 top-notch specialists within a year. Even with the hardest programming language — C++ — our recruiters presented superior hires! 



????1. How popular is software development?

A software engineer is seen as the best job of 2022, and its popularity is expected to grow further. More and more businesses are aiming for automation, and with data science, machine learning and AI gaining more popularity, software developers are at the top of all world trends.

????2. What facts should I know about being a software developer?

Software developers are relatively young and well paid, enjoy the opportunity to travel and grow careerwise, and need salary raises and work challenges to stay at one company for more than 3 years. And no, AI won’t replace them.

????3. What are the negative aspects of being a developer?

As with any computer-related job, health is in peril. Other disadvantages include a lengthy hiring process, plus the constant need for keeping up with learning trends and most likely a lot of overtime.

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