How to Choose an Offshore Salesforce Development Company

Sergey Ovcharenko Chief Business Development Officer at Alcor

Salesforce is one of the most powerful and popular platforms for corporate automation and organization. This unique CRM system, customized to the needs of the company, brings outstanding results to complex business processes of large enterprises. According to the latest Salesforce earnings report, they have garnered revenues of $7.72 billion so not surprisingly, Salesforce development has become the buzzword and trend among tech companies. It extends the potential for mobile app development, has a user-friendly nature, and allows broad integration capabilities. Salesforce also enables the strategic development of marketing and sales teams, enhanced collaboration, smooth management, and more.


In this article, I will reveal how a tech business can select a reliable partner for offshore salesforce development and leverage the benefits of this solution.


5 Questions to Ask Your Potential Salesforce Development Partner


An experienced partner will help you get the most out of your Salesforce investment. Yet how can a client select a vendor who will bring all business ideas to life? Below, I prepared a list of questions to ask your potential provider in the first place.

  • How do you customize the Salesforce environment?

Customization is a key feature of Salesforce CRM. In fact, there are no two companies in the world using this system in the exact same way. Therefore, opt for an outsourcing partner who has the engineering skills to customize Salesforce software development by extending the capabilities you find most important. Salesforce developers can adjust the CRM to your requirements and install applications to support your business operations. To do that, they have to be familiar with Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning.

  • Do you have a defined QA process?

You will probably rely on Salesforce to perform business-critical tasks, so you don’t want any bugs to arise suddenly. The problem is that testing Salesforce, especially when heavily customized, is quite a tedious process. It requires a lot of resources, patience, and knowledge about the most recent updates. To avoid any unexpected issues, select a provider who can ensure streamlined testing and quality assurance.

  • What is your IP (Intellectual Property) agreement?

This is another important question to ask a potential Salesforce development company and avoid cloudy IP agreements. It’s not a surprise that there are some risks in delegating any kind of core business operations and that includes outsourcing custom Salesforce software development. As a result of inaccurate terms and conditions, the outsourcing team often becomes the owner of written code. To avoid misunderstandings on this shaky ground, you should clarify the transition of IP rights and make sure that these conditions are beneficial for you.



  • Do you have a portfolio and reviews from previous clients?

Needless to say, it’s essential to check the provider’s experience with problems and goals similar to yours. It’s a good idea to check B2B ratings and reliable websites with client reviews, such as Clutch. To ensure that a certain company is trustworthy and has the relevant expertise, have a look at their previous cases. Additionally, you can contact their customers and ask for references.

  • What’s the pricing and timeline?

Costs and deadlines are other crucial aspects worth discussing before you make a decision to hire a salesforce development team. Ask your potential partner whether they have a defined software development lifecycle. This is a sign that the provider has mature processes and a thoughtful approach. Then precisely list everything you need to get done and set the desirable dates for completion. Don’t forget to ask about the costs of possible adjustments and fixes. To avoid paying a fortune at the end of cooperation, choose providers with transparent pricing and guarantees. 


Benefits of Offshore Salesforce Development


Now let’s dive into the advantages of moving your Salesforce development overseas. This business practice is called offshoring. It’s used as an alternative to traditional outsourcing and enables tech companies to hire their own engineers abroad. Contrary to outsourcing, offshoring implies working and communicating with software developers without intermediaries.


By using offshore development services you will experience the following advantages:


Lower costs


In the case of offshore outsourcing, a Salesforce development company requires fewer expenses. The difference will be especially tangible for US and Western European businesses. The first reason for this is lower salaries in countries with cheaper economies. Think about this for a moment: in the USA the JavaScript engineer’s salary per year is $75K – $130K. Contrary to that, in Poland the average base rate of this developer is $37K – $53K annually. What is more, some countries offer attractive tax incentive programs. For example, in Romania, R&D companies are exempted from income taxes for 10 years of activity. Software developers and R&D employees also pay 0% income taxes.


Huge talent pool


According to U.S. Labor statistics, the global talent shortage amounts to 40 million skilled workers worldwide. What is more, this figure is expected to reach 85.2 million by 2030 with the IT industry being one of the most challenging ones to hire new employees. To deal with the worldwide scarcity of programmers, tech businesses often opt for offshoring. This business practice opens doors to a massive talent pool of millions of IT professionals and Salesforce developers are no exception. By using offshoring Salesforce development services, IT companies can address the existing talent gaps and acquire rare expertise. For instance, in the Eastern European market alone there are over 1 million competent engineers with profound programming knowledge.





This benefit comes from the previous one. By extending geographical borders and hiring offshore Salesforce developers, you will enhance the corporate DEI metric. This is an indicator of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I believe that varied employee backgrounds are likely to promote innovative ideas and approaches within an organization. Statistics prove the same: according to McKinsey research, diverse companies usually outperform their less diverse industry peers. Additionally, your company will form a positive and ethical image on the market, which is greatly valued by younger generations.


However, a tech leader should choose the offshoring country carefully as not to get bogged down by cultural barriers. In order to avoid misunderstandings on the grounds of contradicting views and values, I suggest you consider such countries as Poland, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia, or Hungary. Software developers from these countries have a close affinity with western culture and business ethics. Thanks to their proficient English speaking skills and ability to adapt to new working conditions, they create a healthy workplace environment.


24/7 Salesforce support


The truth is that the Salesforce journey doesn’t end when your project does. Quite often, businesses need around-the-clock assistance and monitoring to identify CRM performance errors quickly. With offshoring Salesforce development services, it becomes easier than ever. Geographically dispersed specialists will help run your business 24/7 and rapidly resolve issues affecting the smooth functioning of the platform. Due to that, US firms tend to choose Eastern Europe as an offshoring destination with a 6-10 hour time difference. Western European companies, on the other hand, enjoy minor time differences and a convenient location that allows getting to the largest IT centers in Europe within 2-4 hours.


Leading tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Ledger, Samsung, and ThredUP have already benefited from offshore software development in Eastern Europe!


Why Hire Eastern European Developers


Looking for Salesforce Developers?
Consider IT Recruitment Services from Alcor


At Alcor, we assemble top-notch development teams for IT product companies. Therefore, if you want to hire Salesforce developers in Eastern European countries, you came to the right place. Our BPO recruitment agency has 40+ tech recruiters on board and 10+ years of industry experience to support rapid business expansion. We need only 3-6 weeks to close an IT vacancy and 8 sent CVs to get 1 accepted offer. We’re confident in what we do and provide our clients with firm guarantees: 5 developers for hire during the first month, 20 developers in 3 months, and 100+ in a year. If our recruiters don’t meet the hiring deadlines, Alcor will hire the rest at no charge to you! has already benefited from our BPO recruitment services. This tech enterprise develops a platform for B2B sales acceleration based on machine learning technologies. It also aims at optimizing team management and marketing processes. The company decided to expand its IT team abroad and find rare engineers for AI algorithms development. This need brought to the doorstep of Alcor.


Before the start of search for candidates, we provided recruitment consulting and a feasibility study with detailed analysis of the client’s vacancies, covering salary ranges and availability on the market. Then our IT researchers and recruiters handled full-cycle IT recruitment. received candidates with a proven track record and weekly reports on the number of processed CVs and conducted interviews. In total, we managed to hire over 25 talented software developers with Python, Scala, Java, React, Javascript, Kafka, and AWS skills. Now the company employs 125+ people around the globe and plans to expand further.


Our Tech Recruitment Services 1


Final Thoughts


We’ve just examined essential questions to ask your potential Salesforce partner to ensure that unpredictable situations don’t crop up. The questions touch on the topics of Salesforce development best practices, including CRM customization and the QA process. Apart from that, pay attention to the IP agreement, portfolio, pricing, and timeline when choosing a vendor.


However, if you’re looking for a cost-effective solution to use Salesforce, hire developers in Poland, Slovakia, Romania, or other Eastern European countries, Alcor BPO company can serve you as a reliable IT recruitment provider!



???? How do I choose a Salesforce partner?

To choose a reliable Salesforce partner, you should discuss the CRM customization, QA process, and IP agreement. Also, check the portfolio of previous works, examine pricing, and set deadlines.

???? What are the advantages of offshore Salesforce development?

The advantages of offshore Salesforce development include lower business expenses, a bigger talent pool, round-the-clock support, and more.

???? Is there an alternative to Salesforce outsourcing?

To eliminate IT outsourcing risks a business owner can choose another engagement model — build their own team of software developers abroad. The Alcor team will be glad to hire the perfect Salesforce programmers in accordance with your needs!

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