24 hirings during 18 months | Dotmatics

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Dotmatics (acq. by Insightful Science) is a US product company that develops scientific software which connects science, data, and decision making. The company produces digital products used by scientists at every step of the research process, such as patient treatment solutions and clinical trial platforms, etc.


Having offices in America, Ireland, and New Zealand, Dotmatics decided to continue its active business expansion. The company wanted to step back from traditional IT outsourcing and supervise the development of its unique product for biologists. Therefore, they chose Eastern Europe for building their own software team. However, Dotmatics was concerned about fast and quality IT recruitment due to wishing to grow upwards of 30+ new talented people within a year.


We provided the client with consultations on recruitment process outsourcing in Eastern Europe and helped adjust the vacancies towards the local tech market. Once a right value proposition was created and the ideal candidate profile was discussed, Alcor started the executive search for IT talents.

A group of researchers and 4 headhunters provided Dotmatics with full-cycle IT recruitment. In addition, the company received a key account manager who was giving individual support and managing all the arising queries. We used premium HR sources, social media, networking, and our own database of candidates to find eligible developers. And only after that, our recruiters conducted job interviews and forwarded the best programmers to the client so they could make a final decision.

Throughout the hiring process, we had direct contact with Dotmatics and provided them with weekly reports on the number of processed CVs and conducted interviews. Sometimes our team had to deal with counter-offers and persuade the candidates to take this gripping opportunity. Today, most of these developers still work at Dotmatics and form the core Eastern European IT team.

Tech stack of developers hired by us for Sift:
Node.js Java C++ React JavaScript AWS Cypress


With our assistance, the company assembled a team of 30 IT specialists within a year. Alcor hired a Director of Engineering, Full Stack, React, QA Automation, DevOps, Node.js, and other developers. They comprise a development team in Eastern Europe that works on software which lets researchers perform statistical tests, analyze and produce graph data.
A lot of the Dotmatics positions were filled with the first candidate, including Product Manager and QA Engineer. Sometimes it was difficult for the client to select only one applicant. Moreover, we provided the company with perfect candidates even before some job descriptions were created! When the client announced a С++ vacancy, our recruiters presented qualified candidates straight away - which turned out to be a superior hire.
We hired top-notch programmers, whose coding proficiency was praised by the client. They had vast professional experience, exceptional soft skills and were a perfect cultural fit. What is more, we provided the client with a skilled Back-End Developer who eventually joined the Dotmatics team as a Full Stack Java Engineer thanks to unexpectedly good Front-end knowledge. This case proved the versatility of the Eastern European programmers once again.
We were requested to take care of some other operational processes as well. We managed payroll & procurements of laptops for developers, plus provided the client with legal compliance services, so that Dotmatics could run a fully transparent business both in the US and Eastern Europe.
Dotmatics in Ukraine
Dotmatics and Alcor
Dotmatics and Alcor
Tonic Health is a product software company from Silicon Valley that produces a leading patient data collection and CRM platform. The platform is now used by healthcare providers, including the TOP-10 leading organizations in the USA.

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*The price is not final **By savings we mean cost difference between USA and other countries